Many veterans across the nation suffer with disability. They come back from war and conflict, and they’re never the same. They have terrible injuries and disfigurements. They have persisting medical conditions and illnesses. They need help and they need it now. This is where the Veterans Administration can help.
The Veterans Administration takes a very close look at the type of impairing condition each veteran suffers. When applying for compensation, a veteran must show that the disability is “connected” to service in the military.
Eligible veterans must have served in:
However, these service-connected conditions do not have to have occurred during service. In some cases, qualifying veteran applicants have conditions that were simply made worse by service.
Veterans may qualify if they got sick or injured before, during, or after service. Thus, there are three types of Veteran Disability claims. These claims are called pre-service, in-service, and post-service disability claims.
The VA takes disability determinations very seriously. Not all veterans may have conditions related to service. The condition(s) must be thoroughly assessed by a number of medical experts and VA attorney. Veterans may also be sent for additional testing to determine the extent of the disability, disease, or illness.
Once a veteran qualifies and receives a disability rating, that rating will determine the compensation amount. The most severely disabled vets will receive 100 Percent Disabled Veterans Benefits.
This veteran disability rating is based on:
Some veterans may even have multiple service-connected conditions. When this happens, the VA refers to a “Combined Ratings Table”. Each disability receives its own percentage, and the combined percentage is the veteran’s overall disability rating.
However, this final rating is not an average. Moreover, some veterans may receive additional compensation for the most severe disabilities. If a disabled veteran has dependents or a disabled spouse, that veteran may receive a higher disability rating. A sound veteran’s compensation lawyer can help tremendously through this process.
At Nationwide Disability Representatives, we have extensive experience helping our brave and wounded veterans. We even assist veterans with a number of other issues and pursuits. We have prepared thousands of cases for disability appeal.
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