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Your Social Security and Disability Lawyers

We help you recover benefits!

Berke Law Firm, P.A. understands how a denied Social Security Disability claim can impact someone who deserves it, especially when it’s their main source of income. 

We’re 35+ year experienced Social Security attorneys, who, since 1986, have been helping individuals with delayed or denied benefits.

If you’ve been denied social security benefits or you want to file for them for the first time, our social security benefits attorney will guide you through the process and assist in making an informed decision.

Get in touch for a free consultation!

Who are Social Disability Lawyers?

If you are unable to go to work for more than 12 months or suffer from an illness or injury, you are entitled to Social Security Disability Benefits. Social Security and Disability lawyers help you apply for benefits and ensure that you get them.

A Social Security benefits lawyer is a legal professional who specializes in handling cases related to the Social Security system in the United States.

The Social Security appeal lawyer assists individuals who are seeking Social Security benefits, such as disability benefits or retirement benefits, by navigating the complex application process and representing clients in legal proceedings if their claims are denied or disputed.

Understanding Social Security Benefits

Social Security is a federal program in the United States designed to provide financial support to individuals and their families in various life situations. It was established in 1935 as part of the Social Security Act and has since become a fundamental pillar of the American social safety net.

The primary purposes of Social Security are:

Retirement Benefits: Providing income to retired individuals and their spouses.

Disability Benefits: Offering financial support to those unable to work due to a disability.

Survivor Benefits: Assisting the surviving family members of deceased workers.

Why Do You Need an SS Disability Lawyer?

A Social Security disability attorney provides valuable assistance in navigating the complex process of applying for and appealing Social Security benefits.

  • Eligibility Evaluation: The lawyer reviews your case to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria for Social Security benefits. They can assess your work history, medical condition, and other relevant factors to provide an accurate assessment.
  • Application Assistance: Filling out the application for Social Security benefits can be daunting, and errors can lead to delays or denials. Social Security lawyers work to help you complete the application correctly, including all necessary information and supporting documentation.
  • Appeals Representation: If your initial application is denied, a Social Security appeal attorney can guide you through the appeals process. This may involve requesting reconsideration, attending hearings, and presenting your case to an administrative law judge.
  • Medical Evidence Gathering: Social Security disability benefits often require substantial medical evidence to support your claim. Our Social Security benefits attorney can help you gather the necessary medical records and work with healthcare providers to strengthen your case.
  • Legal Expertise: Social Security law is intricate and frequently changes. Our SS disability attorney specializes in this field and deeply understands the rules and regulations governing the program. They can use their expertise to your advantage when advocating for your benefits.

Why Us as Your Social Security Appeal Attorney

The Social Security application can be frustrating. And, it can take a while. We understand that!

If you get turned down, don’t lose hope – our Social security attorney at federal court can assist you!  Initially, many applicants are denied. But our SSI appeal attorney can guide you through the appeal process and make sure your health condition and physical limitations are accurately recorded.

With extensive experience, our Social Security federal court attorney is committed to championing your cause. We’ve successfully navigated the complexities of SS claims for countless clients, securing their financial stability and peace of mind.

Call Us at 1-800-572-3753 or schedule a free consultation to find out how we can help you!