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Social Security Disability Attorney Punta Gorda

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Assisting you throughout with your Social Security Disability Claims

Social Security Disability program is sponsored by the U.S. government and provides monetary assistance to people who cannot work due to a disability. “Disability” is defined as any physical impairment that bars you from performing the job you did before the medical condition arose, or from pursuing another type of work.

The condition should prevent you from earning at least $1,000 a month in income and must be severe enough that it prevents you from performing even basic, work-related tasks. The Social Security Administration has a list of medical conditions that are eligible for disability assistance. You may be able to qualify for benefits, even if your condition is not included on the list.

Social Security Office Punta Gorda or any other location near you will assist in processing the application as smoothly as possible. Social security has a total of eight processing centers in different locations. These processing centers are meant to share various workloads and support various tasks. Whether a particular processing center has jurisdiction over your case depends on the social security number.

Social Security Disability Attorney Punta Gorda

Dedicatedly Fighting Your Claim Denial

Initiating a disability claim for Social Security Disability Punta Gorda be done over the phone, in person, or through the internet. However, roughly 70% of all rights are disapproved.

If your application is denied, you have the option of filing a claim for reconsideration within 60 days of receiving your denial notice or filing for a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). You can file an appeal if a judge denies your claim.

If your appeal does not render the desired result, you have the option of filing an appeal with the Federal District Court. As the denial rate for disability benefits is quite high, it is necessary that you contact a skilled SSD Lawyer Punta Gorda who can represent you throughout the application process and fight for the approval of your claim.

Passionate Lawyers for Your SSD Claim in Punta Gorda

Unfortunately, the likelihood of being awarded benefits is against you if you file a claim for SSD benefits on your own. That is why you need someone who is experienced and will ensure that your social security disability claim is complete and precise, and, therefore, more likely to be accepted.

At Nationwide Disability Representatives, we have helped a number of people obtain the social security disability benefits they need. Our Disability Lawyers in Punta Gorda are there to represent you if you are filing your initial claim, filing for reconsideration, or for an appeal.

The disability benefits application can be filed online, through your local Social Security office, or via phone. The social security office will review the application thoroughly to make sure that all basic information is provided correctly. Sometimes non-disability requirements are not satisfied. In such cases, a claim could be dropped due to medical determination not being made, or some other technicality.

If the requirements are met, the social security office will send the disability application to the Disability Determination Services (DDS). The DDS will look at all regulations, federal laws, and other essentials to make a determination.

Meanwhile, SSA (the Social Security Administration) will also take a look at any prior disability applications you’ve made before making a final determination. To make the process smooth and to avoid denials, you can contact Social Security Disability Lawyer Punta Gorda. They can assist you at every step, from filing an application to representing your case in front of the court if needed.