If you are facing disability issues for one year or more, you may qualify for disability benefits. Call (239) 549-6689 and book a free consultation with experienced Social Security Disability Attorney Fort Myers at Nationwide Disability Representatives also known as Berke Law Firm, P.A.
With more than 35+ year of experience, Bill B. Berke and his legal team help disability claimants get benefits for their losses. Be it any disease or health issues behind your disability, and our lawyers can vigorously represent your disability case.
Social Security is a type of social assistance administered across the country. This ‘safety net’ is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, it helps individuals and families struggling with disability. Secondly, it helps people who are living in poverty. Thirdly, social security helps those who are burdened by the struggles of their loved ones.
The Disability Attorney Fort Myers offers can help you deftly navigate these programs which are implemented and administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA), these two programs are crucial for people in need.
Before you apply, make sure to choose the program that is right for you. Also, be sure to choose the application method that is right for you. Not all applicants have to go to a Social Security Office Fort Myers Florida location. In fact, many SSDI applicants apply online or telephonically.
The online criteria for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are different. If you are applying for SSDI online, you must meet a number of requirements. If you are applying for SSDI in-person, you should schedule an appointment first.
Before you apply for SSDI, make sure that you satisfy these basic requirements:
You are 18 years old or older
These requirements are stricter
Once you have concluded your online application, you will be contacted by a Social Security representative. You will be contacted either by phone or through the mail. If any further information is required, you will be alerted at that time.
Although a Social Security representative can assist you, you may have a better chance of approval if you have an experienced social security disability attorney by your side.
At Nationwide Disability Representatives, we know how you feel. Although applying online is more convenient, you still have to provide extensive information and documentation. It can be daunting. If you apply at a Social Security Office Fort Myers location, you may be even more frazzled. Fortunately, we understand. Our attorneys dedicate their time and resources to each and every claim.
We can prepare a well-organized, convincing application that proves you meet the SSA’s strict definition of “disabled”. Although we cannot guarantee that you’ll be approved, we do promise that we’ll do our best.
To discuss your disability case, and to know the chance of receiving disability benefits, book a free consultation with our experienced lawyers at (239) 549-6689.
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