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Disability for Neuropathy

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Can You Prevent Neuropathy From Worsening? 

Neuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, is damage or dysfunction to one or more nerves that may lead to numbness and weakness. It is a serious condition that can affect the way the body sends signals to different organs. 

Many people dealing with this condition experience extreme pain, numbness, loss of sensation, and several other symptoms. One of the most harmful ways that the condition affects an individual’s health is hyper-sensitivity to touch. For instance, some people may find something as insubstantial as the weight of a bedsheet painful.

Your body may be at higher risk of developing serious complications if you do not treat the condition. In severe situations, many people consider seeking government support due to disability for neuropathy.

Natural treatment to prevent worsening

When nerves are damaged, the signals and messages sent to and from the brain are interrupted. It can affect the way the body responds to pain, temperature, and various other things. Here are some natural treatments that some people have used to prevent the condition from getting worse. 

Neuropathy and Disability

In addition to these natural treatments, you should seek consultation from a licensed medical professional. Medical experts will evaluate your condition and suggest the ideal treatment and medication that is suitable for your body.

  1. Vitamins and supplements

Deficiencies in vitamins can lead to serious consequences and may be one of the reasons for the condition. Many health care professionals will also suggest taking supplements like Vitamin B and Vitamin D. Taking supplements may help to alleviate pain and other symptoms. You should, however, consult your doctor before taking any supplements. Your healthcare provider will first review your medical reports and health condition to determine whether supplements are right for you. 

  1. Quit smoking

Smokers should consider quitting to prevent the worsening of neuropathy symptoms, as well as other complications. Smoking affects blood circulation which may increase numbness and pain. When a person is addicted to smoking, they may suffer from various other critical conditions. Now more than ever, there are options and support for smokers who wish to quit, including medications to make nicotine withdrawals easier to manage. Some reports say that your body begins to recover minutes after smoking your last cigarette. Avoid smoking and try to adopt a more healthy lifestyle. 

  1. Exercise regularly

To reduce the risk of nerve damage and other complications, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Make a habit out of eating healthy and staying physically active. Exercising regularly will help prevent further complications and could reduce pain and other symptoms. Studies have show that the benefits of exercise training include improvements in nerve function, reductions in neuropathic pain, reductions in other types of sensory dysfunction (e.g., numbness) and improvements in both static and dynamic functional mobility in those with peripheral neuropathy. Staying physically active will help reduce discomfort and pain and it will help your body heal faster and prevent the condition from worsening. You should adopt an active lifestyle to improve your overall physical and mental health. You should consult a healthcare professional before engaging in exercise. 

  1. Essential oils

Massaging with essential oils is an inexpensive way to help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with neuropathy symptoms. Essential oils help improve blood circulation which helps improve your overall health. They may be able to improve muscle spasms, soothe nerve aches, and enable you to sleep better. You can typically find essential oils online or in health food stores. Consider applying diluted essential oils to the affected areas to prevent stinging and numbness. 

  1. Meditation 

Meditation is important and will help reduce stress caused by pain and immobility. People struggling with peripheral neuropathy are often dealing with significant pain or discomfort. Physical symptoms can quickly impact mental health, as well. Meditating may help you cope with the condition and reduce anxiety and depression related to chronic discomfort. 

  1. Warm bath

Taking an occasional warm bath is another convenient and natural way to alleviate symptoms and prevent them from getting worse. In addition, you should regularly monitor your physical health and blood sugar levels. A warm bath increases the blood circulation throughout the body, decreasing pain and symptoms from numbness. This can slow down the progression of nerve damage and help to alleviate the pain. 

You should consult your health care provider for a proper treatment plan to prevent the condition from getting worse. In more serious cases, physical therapy and surgery may be required to properly treat severe nerve damage. 

Is Peripheral Neuropathy a Disability?

Over time, neuropathy may lead to significant damage to several nerve fibers. This can be a serious situation and will likely impact the person’s overall health. Peripheral neuropathy is listed in the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) listing of disabilities, called the “Blue Book,” as a disability. It is considered in Section 11.14, under adult neurological conditions. Therefore, those people who meet the medical criteria under the disability listing may be able to obtain disability benefits. 

To receive long and short term disability benefits, you must fulfill the eligibility criteria. If you meet the eligibility requirements, the SSA will approve your application. In addition to meeting the medical criteria, an applicant must have sufficient work credits to qualify for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. Without the minimum number of work credits, you may not be eligible for SSDI; however, depending on your financial circumstances, you may alternatively qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). 

If you are suffering from a severe case of peripheral neuropathy, you may be eligible for benefits of some kind. While there are different types of neuropathic pain, only a confirmed diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy is considered a disability by the Social Security Administration under section 11.14 of the Blue Book. For other types of neuropathic pain, you may consider applying through a medical-vocational allowance. 

Can you get disability benefits for neuropathy?

The Social Security Administration has listed various limitations and symptoms in the Blue Book. An individual diagnosed with neuropathic pain must have medical documentation of experiencing those symptoms and limitations. If you do not meet the criteria, your application may be denied. 

The SSA uses the Blue Book as a guide to quickly determine eligibility for certain well known debilitating conditions. You can still qualify for benefits even if you do not meet the Blue Book’s specific criteria. In these cases, you can use a medical-vocational allowance. 

Using this approach will help you get a step closer to receiving support and will improve your chances of getting either SSDI or SSI benefits. You will have to complete a form that assesses your residual functional capacity (RFC).  Residual Functional Capacity is an assessment of your remaining ability to perform work-related tasks after taking into account all limitations caused by your medical condition. 

You should have medical evidence to prove the severity of your condition. In the absence of medical evidence, chances of qualifying for benefits are unlikely. Follow your doctor’s prescribed treatment plan and closely document all relevant medical records. 

To maintain your health and alleviate pain, you should consider making some lifestyle changes like improving your diet, increasing exercise, cutting out smoking and alcohol, and reducing stress. Adopting specific relaxation techniques such as yoga, stretching, and tai chi may also help to reduce stress and pain. 

If you experience irregular symptoms, you should contact a medical professional as soon as possible. They will do a physical examination and suggest ways to treat the condition. 

Medical and legal help often go hand in hand

Apart from taking consistent medical assistance from your healthcare professional, it is equally important to discuss your condition with an experienced attorney. He can evaluate your case, help to obtain medical documentation, and assist with completing the application timely and accurately. He can also represent you in any informal discussions with SSA or formal disability determination hearings. 

Contact a disability Lawyer if you want to know more about filing for disability benefits. A knowledgeable attorney can investigate your case, evaluate your condition to determine whether it meets qualifying criteria, and gather important documents in your favor.