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How to Avoid Blind Spot Collisions

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According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 800,000 blind spot accidents occur each year in the United States. The statistics reveal that these accidents cause 300 fatalities every year. In addition, many people often experience severe injuries as a result of such accidents. 

The sad thing is that most blind spot collisions can be prevented. To prevent such accidents, one must know where their vehicle’s blind spot is. When a driver is aware of the danger, only then can they prevent these types of accidents. Continue reading to learn more about preventing blind spot crashes.

What is A Blind Spot?

How to Avoid Blind Spot CollisionsBlind spots are areas or zones that a driver cannot directly observe through their vehicle’s side mirrors or rear-view mirror. When a person cannot see an oncoming vehicle, they can potentially crash into it. These spots occur in many different types of vehicles, including cars, aircraft, trucks, sailboats, and motorboats. 

It can be challenging to prevent blind spot accidents, especially when a driver changes lanes or makes a turn. In these situations, the driver may assume that the road next to them is empty, and it can be challenging to avoid a collision. 

If you have been involved in a blind spot accident and suffered injuries as a result, you can speak with a Fort Myers auto accident lawyer to learn what options are available to you.

How can you eliminate blind spots?

Unfortunately, it may not be possible to completely eliminate a vehicle’s blind spot. However, there are certain ways of reducing the risk of such accidents. The following steps may help to prevent blind spot accidents:

1. Adjust your mirrors

Before you start driving, you should ensure that your mirrors are correctly positioned. Move the rear-view mirror and adjust until it provides you the best view. Different vehicles tend to have different blind spots, so you will have to make adjustments accordingly. You can even consider buying an additional blind spot mirror to increase your visibility. These mirrors are affordable and can help drivers to operate safely on the road.

2. Wait before you pull out

If you cannot see clearly, the best thing you can do is wait for at least two seconds before moving your vehicle. You should check both the rear-view and side-view mirrors, and then wait for another two seconds. This gives you plenty of time to see whether your blind spot may have been obscuring another vehicle. When you are changing lanes, you should pause for a few seconds, as well.

3. Keep in mind the blind spots of other vehicles

When you cannot see other vehicles, there is also the chance that other drivers cannot see your vehicle. In cases where the other driver is not aware that you are within their blind spot, you should avoid matching the speed of their car when you are attempting to pass them. Doing so may increase the risk of blind spot collisions.

4. Look through the side windows

You should not rely solely on the mirrors in your vehicle. To improve visibility, you should also look out the side windows with your eyes. You may even consider activating your turn signal early to give other drivers plenty of warning.

5. Sharpen your skills with a driving course

A driving course can help to sharpen your skills and provide you with different techniques to avoid blind spot collisions, which can lead to devastating injuries and fatalities. 

It is critical to be aware of all the types of situations that you may encounter on the road and to know how to handle them. A course can give you the tools you need to avoid blind spot accidents.

6. Blind spot detection systems

These monitoring systems use sensors that help to detect other vehicles in the adjacent lanes. The sensors will alert you via a visual warning or an audio warning when another vehicle is in your blind spot. Most vehicles have at least one blind spot. You can get one installed in your car fairly inexpensively. 

What should I do if I have sustained injuries in a blind spot accident? 

A blind spot accident can lead to serious injuries and cause many difficulties for a victim. In the event that you have sustained injuries in a blind spot accident, the first step you should take is to seek medical attention. 

Getting immediate medical help can reduce the impact of the injuries you suffered. If you need assistance getting to a hospital, you should contact someone for help or call for an ambulance. 

In serious incidents, you may be able to file a negligence claim against the driver who was at fault. To learn about the options available to you, you should get in touch with a legal professional to discuss further, especially if you have sustained injuries and are unable to work. In any case, you should consider following the above tips to avoid a blind spot accident. 

If you have sustained severe injuries in a blind spot crash, you can seek assistance from a personal injury lawyer with regard to a legal claim. Your lawyer can guide you through the necessary steps that you should take after an accident. Florida is a no-fault state, and the options may be limited for you in a car accident, so you need to act fast and wisely.