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No-Contact Motorcycle Accident

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No-Contact Motorcycle Accidents: What Should You Do?

A motorist can be held liable for an accident, even when there is no collision. It is a misconception that you can only sue a negligent driver when there is a collision or a crash. In situations in which there is no contact, another driver may still be at fault for the accident. It is critical to understand that a motorcycle accident does not always involve a crash or a collision. 

An accident that occurs in this type of scenario may fall under the category of no-fault motorcycle accidents. Regardless of the type of crash in which you were involved, consulting an accident lawyer can always be helpful because your attorney will understand the law, the criteria for filing a claim, and all other vital details.

What is Negligence? 

Negligence occurs when an individual fails to practice reasonable care in a situation. When someone is negligent, it can cause dangerous situations that may cause damage to others. For instance, if a motor vehicle driver runs a traffic light and forces a motorcyclist to change direction abruptly, causing the motorcyclist to crash into a median, the driver who ran the light may still be liable. 

Even though the driver who ran the light may not have been directly involved in this accident, it was their actions that led to and contributed to the motorcyclist’s crash. This is why the drivers can be held liable for an accident even when their vehicle was not involved in the impact. 

All drivers on the road are responsible for following specific regulations and obeying the basic driving rules. When drivers fail to follow these basic principles, they can be held liable for negligent acts they commit. 

An unsafe lane change is one of the most common examples of negligence that can lead to a no-contact motorcycle accident. There can be several other factors that may increase the risk of no-contact motorcycle accidents. Here are some of the common causes and situations that may lead to this kind of accident: 

  • Excessive speeding
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Abruptly stopping or slowing down the vehicle
  • Distracted driving 
  • Reckless driving
  • Road rage
  • Violating the traffic laws
  • Running red lights
  • Tailgating
  • Failure to check the blind spots

No-Contact Motorcycle AccidentIf a driver’s action led to an accident, they might be held liable for any resulting damages or injuries. Any individual who suffered damages or injuries in the resulting accident may be able to file a claim against the negligent driver and sue them for their actions. 

These accidents can be especially dangerous and risky for motorcyclists. A motorcycle can be challenging to handle in such situations, and motorcyclists are likely to experience acute injuries because they lack the protection that other vehicles offer to occupants. 

An injured motorcyclist can take the necessary legal actions and file a claim against the negligent party. Anyone who has been injured in an accident should consider taking the help of a legal professional before filing a claim relating to their injuries or damages. 

Proving Fault In No-Contact Motorcycle Crashes

Whether an accident involved contact or not, it can be critical to collect evidence that can help prove who was at fault for the accident. Without having the requisite proof, the injured party may not be able to obtain the compensation that they deserve for their damages. Therefore, one must have proper evidence to support and prove the fault in an accident. Here are some of the steps that a plaintiff should follow immediately after these types of accidents: 

  •  Call the police immediately after the accident: Contact the police and file an official accident report right away. Avoid any confrontations with other drivers or anyone else involved in the accident. Call 911 and wait for law enforcement officers to arrive at the scene of the accident.

If anyone has suffered injuries, you should request that an ambulance come to the scene, as well. You should avoid making any statements until the police arrive. Any minor mistake can make it seem like you were at fault for the accident, and saying the wrong thing can prevent you from seeking the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

  •    Gather the crucial evidence: As mentioned above, it is necessary to prove that the accident resulted from the other driver’s negligent acts. Until you have the requisite proof, you will have a difficult time securing the compensation you deserve. Therefore, you must collect compelling evidence that proves the other party’s fault. The evidence can demonstrate the other driver’s negligent actions and can help you hold the other driver responsible for your injuries.
  •    Get in touch with eyewitnesses: Eyewitnesses can play a critical role and may help you prove the negligent actions of other motor vehicle drivers. It can be helpful to collect contact information from anyone who may have witnessed the accident, in addition to recording their statement for future use. 

In many cases, the negligent driver may flee from the scene, which may result in other complications. Hit-and-run accidents are common, and the plaintiff should wait for the police to arrive even if the other driver leaves. 

It can also be a good idea to consult with a Fort Myers personal injury attorney to learn how you can strengthen your case and hold the other driver responsible for their negligence.